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Price list

Day care (07h-22h) till 5h

Price: 8€ per hour

From 5h onward

Price: 7€ per hour

Night (from 22h-07h)

Price: 10€ per hour

Sleepover 8-12h

Price: 9€ per hour

20h care- 140€ (pay upfront)

Price: 7€ per hour

50h care- 325€ (pay upfront)

Price: 6,5€ per hour

100h care- 600€ (pay upfront)

Price: 6€ per hour

Price increases by 20% for the second child, and 30% for the third.
Payment is made in dinar equivalent at the middle exchange rate of National Bank Serbia on the day of payment.
Reservations are mandatory 24h before care.